What To Expect – Worshipping With Us

When You Arrive
There are two entrances, the main one is up a short flight of outside stairs, followed by a short flight inside. There is a wheelchair accessible entrance on the lower level, which takes you to an elevator up to the sanctuary level. At that level, someone will greet you, give you an order of service, can help you find your way around and answer any questions. That’s our intention… we don’t always get it perfect.

We are delighted to welcome children into our worship experience. We have a dedicated space for the children at the back of the church where they can gather and participate in crafts while being present for the entire service. We believe that it is only through being present in worship with the whole people of God that children learn their rightful place in worship.

Entering the Sanctuary
You may sit anywhere you wish. If someone comes and tells you to move because “you’re in their pew”, this person is in violation of our hospitality – but nobody’s perfect and people can be ignorant of our values, let alone common sense hospitality. When you enter the sanctuary, there is often music playing.

Music and Singing
Christians love to sing! (Well, most of them. Some just like to listen.) Music in the morning service is a blend of traditional Christian hymns and more modern worship songs. All the words to our hymns and songs are either in our Hymn Book, Voices United, or printed in the bulletin or on the screen. . Feel free to join in or just listen. We have an adult choir that offers us a ‘Ministry of Music’ on most Sundays.

We celebrate the sacrament of holy communion on a variety of Sundays throughout the church year. Everyone is welcome to participate in this sacrament, it’s not our table, it’s God’s table, where Jesus is made known. Instructions as to receive it, and what to do with the bread and wine will be given by the minister. Our bread is gluten free, and we use grape juice.

The Offering
The offering is an act of worship for Christians. It is symbolic of the fact that we believe everything we have comes from the blessings of God. It is also an act of generosity. Offerings support the ministry programs at our own church and various programs across Canada and throughout the world to help others. We don’t pass an offering plate, there is a box on a table at the back of the church. There are a variety of ways you can make a financial offering, envelopes, pre-authorized remittance, e-transfer, please contact us and we will make whatever arrangements necessary.

Bible Readings and Reflection
There are usually 1 or two readings from the Bible each Sunday. These readings are chosen by the Christian church as a whole, and rotate on a 3-year cycle known as The Revised Common Lectionary. There are several translations of the Bible into English from its original Hebrew and Greek. We find the most scholarly and inclusive version to be the New Revised Standard Version Update (NRSVU). However, we make use of a variety of translations. We also do sermon series throughout the year that use other readings. Rev. Catherine’s sermons are available on our website, her own website My Window On God’s World, and through an email distribution list.