Ways To Give

Love Grows Here

We live out our faith through regular Sunday Worship, Spiritual Deepening Sessions, Choirs and Special Services, Pastoral Care for those who are in need of it; ministry with those who are grieving and celebrating weddings and baptisms.

We support the local community and the wider community through our Food Bank, involvement with Feed Others of Dartmouth (FOOD), Oakwood Terrace. Sponsorship of Cubs and Scouts, Brownies and Guides, NA Groups, and our space is used by many community groups. We support the work of the wider church through our offering to the Mission & Service Fund of the United Church. Ministry is also played out in a multitude of ways by individuals and groups.

Thank you for your support of God’s work through our congregation. We have much to celebrate as we continue to reach people through our worship and other activities. It is through faithful supporters such as yourself that enable us to do so as we continue live out our mission and share in God’s work in our community and in the wider community.  

We are in a period of Intentional Interim Ministry where we are actively exploring what are ministry and mission will be for the next number of years. With your continued support we are able to serve God, Dartmouth and the world.

How Can I Give?

E-Transfer is one of the easiest ways, simply email stjamesfinancials181@gmail.com If this is the first time you have made an offering, please include your name and address so that a receipt can be issued at the end of the year. 

PAR or Pre-Authorized Remittance is one of the most convenient, you fill out this form, attach a void cheque or include your credit card information, indicate the amount you want to give each month and return it to the church office and we look after the rest.

Canada Helps is an on-line organization that facilitates on-line giving for all Canadian charities. While there are modest fees connected through giving through Canada Helps the ease and convenience, make this a favourite way for Canadians to financially support organizations that are important to them. Click HERE to be taken directly to our Canada Helps page.

Offering Envelopes are available from the church office, please call 902-464-8852 and we will make arrangements to get some to you. They can be brought to church with you and placed in the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary or dropped off in the secure mailbox at the accessible entrance.

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